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Dear applicant,

Please be aware that this application will be reviewed by an adoption counselor. Starfish Animal Rescue reserves the right to deny any adoption. Applicants should be prepared to present a photo ID with current address. If different, proof of current address will be necessary. Renters will need a copy of lease or verbal confirmation from landlord regarding pet policy. Condo/Townhouse owners will need to present a copy of the bylaws.

NOTE: We do not adopt to homes outside of the Chicagoland area and suburbs. If you do not live in our stated adoption range please do not complete an application. 

Thank you for your support and interest in our animals.

Starfish Animal Rescue

If you are applying for a kitten, please note that we require that they be adopted in pairs or that you have a friendly cat in your home already. 


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Please type your full name.

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Address Information

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If you live outside of the Chicagoland and Suburban area please do not complete this application. We only adopt to homes in this area.

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Residence Information

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Pet Caregiving

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Lifestyle Information

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Training Information

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Pet Characteristic Information

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Owner Responsibility

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